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robo dwarf hamsters are very fast but very friendly

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Q: What are some small animals that are fast?
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Why are some animals not easily spotted?

Well if they are small you cant see them unless you get close and some animals are very fast you couldn't catch them with a blink of your eye.

Why are moms afraid of gerbils?

Most are not. Some people don't like small, fast, rodent-type animals.

What is moderately fast?

There are many animals that are moderately fast. Some fast animals are the Peregrine Falcon, cheetah, cone snails, and hares.

What are some small animals?

bird are small animals and moles, and hamsters

What is moderately fast animal?

There are many animals that are moderately fast. Some fast animals are the Peregrine Falcon, cheetah, cone snails, and hares.

What are small animals?

obviously, these are animals that are small in size... -wEndy

Why are animals attracted to laser lights?

its small an catches their attention,anything small an moves fast is like target to them

Why are some wild animals are fast disappearing from forest?

hunter hunt for these animals

How come small turtles run fast?

Small animals like turtles know they have no defense against larger animals, so they run so they can hide and get eaten.

What are some fast animals that begin with the letter C?


What are some fast animals that begin with the letter S?

· stallion

What are some fast animals?

rabbits, ostriches,cheetah,and panther.