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* Elvis Presley * Frank Sinatra * ohn Wayne * Aubrey Hepburn * Ernest Hemingway * Martin Luther King Jr. <of coarse>

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Q: What are some influential people of the 1950?
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Influential 1950's sports persons?

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There are an enumerable amount of influential television personalities. Some of the more notable people, however, include Oprah Winfrey, Kim Kardashian, and John Stewart.

Who were the most influential people during the renaissance?

There were quite a number of people who were most influential people during the renaissance. Some of these people include Desiderius, Martin Luther, Galileo, Michelangelo and many more.

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Who are influential people?

Every year Time publishes a list of 100 influential people.

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Who were some influential people in Salvador Dali's life?

Most of all his wife Gala.

Who are some influential people that were in Iran and why were they important?

the Shah because he promoted unity with the United States.

Who are Nicaragua's influential people?

There are a variety of famous people from Nicaragua. Some of these include Nora Astorga, Barbara Carrera, as well as Alfonso Cortes.

Who are some influential people?

This question needs more information so we can answer it. There have been influential people from the beginning of recorded history right up to the present. Without knowing which time period you are asking about, we can't give you a good answer, since we would have to list hundreds and hundreds of people.

What are some examples of influential people in the digital entertainment industry?

It would depend mostly on the entertainment industry you are inquiring about. With the recent announcement of next generation consoles currently the two most influential people in digital entertainment are Don Mattrick and Andrew House.