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Q: What are some examples of energy transformation from chemical energy to mechanical energy to heat energy?
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Chemical energy to mechanical energy.

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Chemical Energy to Mechanical Energy

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Chemical energy to mechanical energy.

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Chemical energy to mechanical energy

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It goes from light energy from the sun to chemical energy to chemical, mechanical, and heat energy and the chemical energy can go to mechanical and heat energy. Then the remaining chemical energy goes to chemical, heat, and mechanical energy again and it keeps on repeating.

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chemical -> Mechanical-> Sound and light-> heat...

What kind of energy transformation occurs in a gasoline-powered car?

Chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.

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chemical, heat, mechanical, and sound

Describe the transformation of chemical energy to mechanical in your body?

Chemical energy lies within the food that organisms eat. Digestion turns the chemical energy into mechanical energy, which can be used to fuel the organs, tissues and cells.

What are 5 examples of simple multiple transformation of energy?

The conversion of electrical energy into light and heat in an incandescent light bulb. The transformation of sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis in plants. The conversion of chemical energy in food into mechanical energy during muscle contractions in the human body. The process of a car engine converting chemical energy in gasoline into kinetic energy to drive the vehicle. The transformation of wind energy into electrical energy by wind turbines.