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Q: What are some Alliteration about jellyfish?
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What is jellyfish venom called?

Be specific, what kind of jellyfish? For a Box Jellyfish, it is some sort of neurotoxin.

What does a Darth Vader jellyfish eat?

Some sort of jellyfish???

Are some jellyfish not dandeiruos?

Most jellyfish are not dangerous. The Man o' War has the ability to do some painful damage to your skin, but it is not a true jellyfish . . .

What are some predators of a jellyfish?

Sea Turtles would hunt and eat the smaller jellyfish, but not the giant jellyfish.

Why do people hunt jellyfish?

The reason why people hunt jellyfish is that in some countries, jellyfish is considered a delicacy.

Are all jellyfish related to each other?

Well, since jellyfish are all JELLYFISH that is a way they can be related, but otherwise, some are blue, and some are purple.

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What would be some alliteration about a helicopter?

The alliteration for helicopters could be higher helicopters or heavy helicopters

What is eat a jellyfish?

If you mean What eats a jellyfish? The answer is some sea turtles, other jellyfish and people.If you mean What does a jellyfish eat? They eat small fish and zooplankton

Is a jellyfish toxic?

Some are.

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