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they came cause they wanted to find gold and land. they wanted to grow crops in america. actually i dont know why they came. and i dont really care.

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Q: What are reasons why Scandinavians migrate to US?
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When and why did Scandinavians immigrate to the US?

to get better land

What makes you migration?

Reasons to migrate can include war, politics or economical reasons.

Are Germans of Scandinavians descent?

No. Scandinavians are of Germanic descent.

Why do person migrate?

Animals migrate. People immigrate and they do this for a better life, to escape war, for love, and other reasons.

The term Scandinavians refers to what ethnic groups?

The term "Scandinavians" refers to ethnic groups such as Norwegians, Swedes and Icelanders. You can learn more about Scandinavians from the Wikipedia.

Did the Celts and Scandinavians come from the same ethnic group?

No. Scandinavians are Germanic. Celts are not.

Why Scandinavians do not look like Germans?

Germans are not Scandinavians. They are different people. So there is no particular reason why they should look alike. Even the various Scandinavians are not alike.

Why do people migrate politically?

the political reasons people migrate are because of war in country , riots, disagreeing of politician's, and many other reasons Gabriella Namadoa Aga Khan Academy Class 5k

What are two reasons that geese migrate in the south in the fall?

to get to warmer weather

Why do whooping cranes migrate?

All animals tend to migrate for 1 of 3 reasons. Reproduction, lack of food or water, or changing climate

What is one animal that migrates for life cycle reasons?

Many animals will migrate for life cycle reasons such as the sea turtle. The sea turtle will migrate onto beaches or land to lay their eggs. Many animals will migrate in order to find food or to help keep their young safe from predators.

Why does a dolphin migrate?

Dolphins migrate for several reasons. a) If the water is too cold, they go to a warmer place. b) For mating or c) For more food