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Primary producers are plants because they must produce their own food to live and survive

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Q: What are primary producers?
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Do primary sources eat producers?

Primary consumers eat producers (plants).

How are producers related to primary consumers?

Producers are the food for primary consumers.

Do producers eat primary consumer?

No. Primary consumers eat producers (green plants).

What are some primary producers for the desert?

Plants, especially grasses, are the primary producers of deserts.

What are primary producers in deserts?

Grasses and other plants, shrubs and trees are the primary producers in the desert.

Is a mice a primary consumer?

Mice are primary consumers. This means that the nice eat primary producers. Primary producers include almost all green plants.

How are consumers related to producers?

Producers are the food for primary consumers.

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primary consumers

What a primary producers?

Primary producers are plants or foliage that are at the beginning of every food chain/web. A primary producer is always eaten by a herbivore in ecology.

What are 3 different kinds of producers?

Primary producers, like plants and algae, produce energy through photosynthesis. Secondary producers, such as herbivores and omnivores, consume primary producers for energy. Tertiary producers, like carnivores, consume secondary producers for energy.

What are animals that eat only primary producers classified as?

Animals that eat producers are called primary consumers or herbivores.