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The living part of a habitat is called a biotic.In saying that the non-living thing is called the abiotic.

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Q: What are living parts of a habitat are called?
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The living parts of a habitat?

the living parts or once were living in a habitat are called biotic factors and the nonliving parts are called abiotic factors

What are non living parts of a habitat are called?


Is it true that the living parts of habitat is called a biotic?


What are the two parts of an organism's habitat with it interacts?

living and non-living

What are the two parts of an organism's habitat with which it interacts?

living and non-living

Is a habitat renewable?

Its not an energy or resource. it is a habitat of living things. the place where the living things live is called its habitat.

What is the home area of a living thing called?

The home area of a living thing is called a habitat

The living organisms in a habitat is called?

The living organisms in a habitat are called the biotic components. These include plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that interact with each other and with their environment to form a complex ecosystem. Biotic components play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and health of a habitat.

What is natural environment of a living organism called?

The natural environment of a living organism is called its habitat. This includes the specific location where an organism lives and interacts with other living and non-living components of its surroundings. The habitat provides the necessary resources for the organism to survive and thrive.

The living organisms in a habitat are called?

biotic factors

What is the conditions surrounding a living thing called?


A variety of orginisms living in 1area is called what?

restricted in habitat