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Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy. "Human capital" is sometimes used synonymously with human resources, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used include "manpower", "talent", "labor" or simply "people".

The professional discipline and business function that oversees an organization's human resources is called human resource management (HRM

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Q: What are human resources in social studies?
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An economist primarily studies how people change resources into goods and services.

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"Social Studies teaches people about places, locations, human/environmental interactions, regions, and movements."

What is HEI in social studies?

Human Environment Interaction

Social science that studies human society and social behavior?

Sociology is the social science that studies human society and social behavior. It examines how societies are organized, how they function, and the relationships between individuals and groups within them. Sociology also explores how social institutions, cultures, and norms shape human behavior.

What are social studies?

In education, social studies include history, political science, economics, sociology and other disciplines related to human society.

What is the relationship btw social studies and social science?

Social studies is a broader term that encompasses the study of various social sciences such as sociology, psychology, economics, and political science. Social science is a more specific term referring to the scientific study of human society and social relationships. In essence, social studies can be seen as an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates various social sciences to understand human behavior and society.

What does natural resources mean in social studies?

I think it mean moving to another place

Which social science studies how populations develop in certain regions based on available resources?

The social science that studies how populations develop in certain regions based on available resources is called geography. Geographers analyze the relationships between human populations and their physical surroundings, including the resources and landscapes that shape their development and patterns of settlement. They examine factors such as climate, terrain, water availability, natural resources, and their impact on population growth, migration, and socioeconomic dynamics.

What does HEI stand for in social studies?

It means Human Environment Interaction

Explain why social studies is the study of man in his social environment?

Social studies focuses on studying human behavior, societies, and cultures within their social contexts to understand how individuals interact with each other and their environment. By examining these relationships, social studies helps us gain insights into the complexities of human society and how people shape and are shaped by their social environments.