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Reptiles and fish can be covered in scales. Bird feet, too, as they're descended from reptiles.

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Snakes, lizards, dragons(:

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Q: What are examples of animals that with scales?
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What animals have scales?

animals that have scales are snakes, crocodile's, and fish not only those animals but other species to like dinosaurs which are extinct .

What are examples of animal with scaly skin?

Snakes, komodo dragons, armadillos are just a few of the many examples of animals that have scales. Thanks for using!

What animals has scales?

Fish, reptiles, butterflies, and moths are the only animals currently known to have scales.

What do you call an animal that has a moist scale?

Fish are animals that have moist scales. This is due to a layer of mucus coating the scales. However, a minority of fish don't have any scales at all. Catfish and eels are examples of scaleless fish.

What has scales?

Reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, have scales on their skin to provide protection and regulate body temperature. Fish also have scales that help reduce friction in water and protect them from predators. Additionally, some insects, like beetles and butterflies, have scales on their wings for coloration and protection.

What land animal have scales in Singapore zoo?

The Komodo dragon and rhino iguana are examples of land animals with scales at the Singapore Zoo. They also have many species of snake, including the rattlesnake, cobra and reticulated python.

What Animal have scaled skin?

Snakes and lizards are examples of animals that have scaled skin. These scales provide protection and help prevent water loss in these animals.

What animals are have scales?


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What are the animals covered with scales?

Reptiles or fish, and rarely other animals

What are some examples of reptiles with scales?

Some examples of reptiles with scales include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. Their scales provide protection and help in reducing water loss from their bodies.