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Q: What are examples of animal reflex action?
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Muscle action that is not under your control is?

Involuntary muscle action. Examples include the beating of the heart, digestion in the stomach, and reflex actions like blinking or sneezing.

Is sweating a reflex action?

No it is not a reflex action

What is the important reflex action?

One important aspect of reflex action is to help protect us without having to think. Reflex actions are involuntary and quick. They are done to meet an emergency and occur at the level of the spinal cord. Examples include the gag reflex clearing unplanned foreign objects or your eyelid closing when something gets near your eye.

Automatic action that does not involve the brain?


What is a difference between reflex and voluntary action?

The difference between reflex and voluntary action is that a reflex occurs naturally in response to some sort of stimulus and voluntary action is something that is consciously carried out. An example of a reflex action is gagging and an example of voluntary action is flinching when someone is going to hit you.

What animal has no gag reflex?

Sharks have no gag reflex.

How is a reflex action different from a action by hormines?

Reflex action is the instant reaction of our body while hormonial action takes more time to react

Explain what happen when your body get trow a reflex action?

The verb "trow" means to think or believe. That is a conscious action, not a reflex action.

Is reflex action and reflex arcs are same?

Reflexes are uncontrollable movements that happen almost instantly in response to a stimuli. A reflex arc, a neuronal circuit that controls reflexes, is where reflex activities takes place.

What are the ratings and certificates for Reflex Action - 2002 V?

Reflex Action - 2002 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:R

What is the part in reflex in the response?

Reflex action is your body's reflex against injury. It is needed in every part of your body.

Is smelling a reflex action?
