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Deserts sometimes contain valuable mineral deposits that were formed in the arid environment or that were exposed by erosion. Due to extreme and consistent dryness, some deserts are ideal places for natural preservation of artifacts and fossils.

Deserts have a reputation for supporting very little life, but in reality deserts often have high biodiversity, including animals that remain hidden during daylight hours to control body temperature or to limit moisture needs.

Most desert plants are drought- or salt-tolerant. Some store water in their leaves, roots, and stems. Others have long taproots that penetrate to the water table, or have adapted to the weather by having wide-spreading roots to absorb water from a greater area. Another adaptation is the development of small, spiny leaves which shed less moisture than broad leaves with greater surface areas. The stems and leaves of some plants lower the surface velocity of sand-carrying winds and protect the ground from erosion. Even small fungi and microscopic plant organisms found on the soil surface are important in preventing erosion and providing support for other living organisms.

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Q: What are 3 reasons desert is beneficial to life on earth?
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