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It may be aerodynamic to catch prey, have long claws to grip onto prey or be camouflaged so that it may sneak up on prey.

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long claws and night vision and hearing

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Q: What are 2 adaptations a predator uses to catch prey?
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What are two traits different predators may have to help them catch prey?

Adaptations that a predator uses to catch prey are its NATURAL INSTINCTS and its SURROUNDINGS.But those are only 2 adaptrations.The person who wrote above this answer is wrong. It is actually camoflage and speed.

How do squids catch their prey?

In order to catch the prey they need to feed themselves, squids use their tentacles, because they have a suction and hook that captures the prey, which usually are small crabs, shrimps and small fishes. While they have a tight grip on the small animal, they use their sharp tongue to extract the contents of the prey's body.

What special adaptations does a dog use to get food?

It uses its nose to smell for prey.

How do all sponge's catch there prey?

spongebob uses a net for his jellyfish

What are eagle adaptations?

An eagle's adaptation is its body features like its claws or talons. That's an adaptation for them because it uses it to catch fish and other prey. Another adaptation is its beak. Like a snake's fangs it uses its beak to hold its prey tightly so it does not escape. Another adaptation is its hollow bones which helps because without the hollow bones the eagle cannot fly. They have very strong eyesight to see their prey and can swoop to easily catch them.

How does octopus use energy?

An octopus uses energy to move and catch prey.

Which body part does a flatworm first use to catch its prey?

A flatworm uses its muscular adhesive organs, called the pharynx, to catch and prey on its food. The pharynx helps the flatworm attach to its prey and consume it.

How does a raccoon catch animals?

The raccoon uses its paws as well as its sharp teeth to capture prey.

What fish has a large mouth and uses a fishing lure to catch prey?

The anglerfish.

Does a cheetah have special vision to catch its prey?

no a cheetah uses speed to catch its pray. the cheetah hides in the grass and sneeks up on its pray

What are some adaptations a black bear uses to survive?

Claws - for prey and attack if provoked. Teeth - to kill and eat. Fur - cold.

What are an eagle's adaptations?

long claws big beak