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Horses were introduced to America by Europeans

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Q: What animals were introduced to first nations from eroupeans?
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Are goats Australian animals?

Goats live in Australia, but they are not native to the country. Goats were introduced with the First Fleet in 1788.

How did first nations make spears?

they made it out of animal bones, they got the sharp and dull bones from animals .

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They are Zebra and Unicorn like animals. First introduced to the Godforbiddin land found in Wisconsin. They can and will use deadly force.

How do first nations make their clothing?

They shear foxes, rabbits, and other animals of their skin and use their hides for the clothing.

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The first airplane was introduced about 1897.

How did the first nations come to north America?

I'm positive about this but I think they crossed a bridge by following herds of animals

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Cattle were first introduced with the First Fleet in January 1788.

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