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animals adapt to differents biomes because

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Q: What animals that adapt to different biomes?
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Do humans live in the tundra?

Humans live in all kinds of biomes. Like animals, we adapt to the enviroment.

How do animals adapt to different environments by still performing the same basic functions?

Animals adapt by changing little features to adapt.

What biomes can lions adapt to?

their biome is the savanna and grassland

Are biomes animals?


What are the five dominant animals in freshwater biomes?

The five dominant animals in freshwater biomes are fish, amphibians (such as frogs and salamanders), insects (such as dragonflies and mosquitoes), birds (such as ducks and herons), and mammals (such as beavers and otters).

What are the habitat needs of one Alberta animal?

Please be more specific. There are thousands, if not millions, of species of animals that live in Alberta, and they all have different habitat needs and live in different biomes.

How do people and animals adapt to different situations?

i don now

Why it is there are different biomes?

Different biomes exist due to variations in climate, topography, and other environmental factors. These differences result in distinct combinations of plants and animals that are adapted to specific conditions, leading to the development of different ecosystems and habitats. This diversity of biomes helps support a wide range of biodiversity on Earth.

What are the biomes of Ethiopia?

the biomes are the habitats of Ethiopia like the animals and their feedings

How do humans effect taiga biomes and animals?

humans affect the taiga biomes and animals by cutting down trees that are homes to other animals.

What savanna does have?

it has different animals that have to adapt too the food and climate + conditions

What makes animals in the grasslands different then animals?

Grassland animals eat grass. the other animals that are grassland animals like cheetahs that dont eat grass eat other grassland animals like gazzelles. grassland animals also need the temperature of the grasslands. Different animals live in different biomes.