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Arctic fox

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Q: What animals fur changes with the season?
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What effects do season have on animals?

some animals change the colour of their fur in order to camoflage with their backgrounds

What is the term used for an animal that changes the color of its fur depending on the season?


How do animals ADAPT in seasonal change?

They hibernate, migrate, or grow fur or shed depending on what season it is.

How is the color of animals important for survival?

animals use their color of fur or feathers to blend in with their surounding. For example an iguana changes brown when it clings to a tree.

Do raccoons have seasonal changes?

yes they can change to a darker colour to a tan colour

Are white lions natural animals?

no they are just lions who's fur changes color during winter and summer in the alps mountion

Does a gecko have fur?

No, these animals have scales not fur.

How did animals get fur?

they grew the fur duh1

Why does your rabbit have a bald patch?

If your bunny lives outside in a hutch, it is normal for it to lose fur during the season changes. My bunny loses fur in the fall, to grow a thicker coat for winter. It also loses fur in the spring, to grow a lighter coat for the summer.

How does the seasons affect living thing?

In the seasons through out the 12 months we have causes us to go through changes. when animals see winter they hibernate like a bear or like common house pets or people we try to keep warm with coats or fur on and from animals.

How does hair keep animals cool in the winter?

An animal's fur can keep it both cool and warm depending on the season. The fur keeps the cool/warm air between the animal's skin and the outside air.

How did colonial fur traders get the fur?

They hunted and trapped animals to get the fur.