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Q: What animal takes on the temperature of its environment?
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How does a turtle control its temperature?

by swimmingThe turtle, a cold blooded animal, does not control its body temperature, It takes on the temperature of its surrounding environment.

What do you callan animal whose body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment?

An animal whose body temperature changes with the temperature of the environment is called an ectotherm. Ectotherms rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature, such as basking in the sun or seeking shade to cool down. Examples include reptiles and amphibians.

If an animal has an ectotherm it has?

It has a body that takes the temperature around it.

How does the water temperature affect the life span of a sea anemone?

Water temperature affects the life span of a sea anemone by reducing or increasing the amount of oxygen the animal takes in. A stressful environment with an improper temperature can also affect reproduction.

What helps an animal live in its environment?

Altitude, rainfall, and temperature.

What do you call an Animal whose body temperature change with the temperature of the environment?


What is an animal that relies on interaction with the environment to help it control body temperature known as?

An animal that relies on interaction with the environment to help control body temperature is known as an ectotherm. Ectotherms regulate their internal temperature by using external sources such as basking in the sun or seeking shade.

Why is a bird a warmblooded animal?

A bird is a warmblooded animal because it's body temperature/blood temperature do not match the temperature of the environment is in. A shark is cold-blooded because it's body temperature changes with the water it's in.

What is an animal that relies on interaction with the environment to control body temperature known as?

A cold blooded animal (also called an ectotherm)

Why are earthworms cold blooded?

It means their body temperature of an animal is the same as the environment they are around.

What is an animal called when it relies on the environment to regulate it's body temperature?


The relationship between the animal's type of gas exchange system and it's environment?

An animal's type of gas exchange system is influenced by its environment. Animals in aquatic environments may have gills for efficient gas exchange with water, while terrestrial animals often have lungs to extract oxygen from air. Some animals like insects have a tracheal system for gas exchange that connects to almost every cell in their body. The type of gas exchange system an animal has is adapted to meet the specific oxygen requirements and environmental conditions of its habitat.