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When someone/something inhales, oxygen is brought into the lungs. There, the oxygen and other molecules are processed and put into use immediately and circulated throughout the body via red blood cells. Without oxygen, the body fails and the animal dies.

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no only trees can.

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12y ago

none but plants do

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Q: What animal releases oxygen?
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What systems takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide?

Animal respiration takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Which animal releases oxygen gas?

Animals consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Why Do Animal Take In Oxygen?

Animals need to breathe to get oxygen. Oxygen burns the food within their bodies and releases energy for various activities.

Which animal releases the oxygen gas?

It is PLANTS, not animals, that liberate oxygen. Oxygen is a by-produce of photosynthesis, the creation of carbohydrates from water and CO2 using the suns light for energy..

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When photosynthiesis releases oxygen into the air

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takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

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What releases oxygen into the air?

Trees and plants

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A waste product that a plant releases after it makes food is oxygen. Other organisms depend on this oxygen to survive.

When will oxyhemoglobin releases more oxygen?

Oxyhemoglobin releases oxygen more readily in tissues with lower oxygen levels, as this triggers a conformational change in hemoglobin that promotes oxygen unloading. This phenomenon is known as the Bohr effect.