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Q: What animal is classified in the same phylum as a snail?
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What is classified in the same phylum as humans?

Sea squirts are classified in the same phylum (Chordata) as humans.

Is sea urchins classified in the same phylum as humans?


What animal has a hard shell like the snail?

sulg is same as snail

Why are birds and gorillas classified in the same phylum?

They both have a notochord, which qualifies them as chordates.

Why ant and shrimp in same phylum animalia?

Both shrimp and ants are in the animal kingdom and share the same phylum, anthropod. Although the two animals differ in many ways, they share the same feature of an exoskeleton so they are both classified as arthropods.

What is classified as the same phylum as humans?

Sea squirts are classified in the same phylum (Chordata) as humans.

What characteristics led camels to be classified in the same kingdom phylum and class as dogs?

they are both mammels

Which animal has the same phylum as a earthworm?

A leech is also an annelidia, such as the earthworm.

Are organisms in the same phylum classified in the same family?

No, organisms in the same phylum are not necessarily classified in the same family. Phylum is a higher taxonomic rank compared to family, which represents a more specific level of classification. Organisms within a phylum can belong to different families based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Why is coral classified as a simple animal?

It is in the same phlya as Cnidaria.

Is rat an insect?

Obviously NOT!Insects are classified as:Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ArthropodaSubphylum:HexapodaClass:InsectaRats are classified as:Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:MammaliaOrder:RodentiaSuperfamily:MuroideaFamily:MuridaeSubfamily:MurinaeGenus:RattusSo while rats and insects are both of the kingdom Animalia, they are not even the same Phylum, much less Class.

Under what other taxa will two organisms that are part of the same class always be classified?

They will also be in the same domain, kingdom and phylum, but the order, family and/or genus may differ.