Animals like polar bears and Arctic foxes have small ears to minimize heat loss in their cold environments. This adaptation helps prevent frostbite and regulate body temperature in extreme conditions.
If you look at an example like the fennec fox has one adaptation besides the ears.They have small pads on their feet that keep their paws from burning.
small ears thick fur coat
A mouse or a rat probably most of the rodent species. Tigers also have small ears
A snake, it eats them.
Animals may have smaller ears because they live in cold environments and heat is lost through your ears
One animal that fits this description is the kangaroo. Kangaroos have a relatively small tail compared to their large body size.
Their ears have gotten longer to hear better.
Ears-for hearing
Black panthers have smaller ears relative to their body size compared to other big cat species. This adaptation helps them to navigate through dense vegetation and hunt stealthily.
elephants with small ears Indian tiger
They´re basically elephants with small ears and thick fur. Small ears to cope with the cold, and fur for the same reason. Fur is pretty unique on an animal from that family, but otherwise they weren´t very special.