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Fleas, crickets, and grasshoppers (insects), frogs and toads (amphibians), and hares and rabbits (mammals).

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Q: What animal has long back legs and is a good hopper?
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What insect has big back legs and is a good hopper?

cricket, grasshoppers have green legs.

How is the thirdpair of legs on a grass hopper adapted for jumping?

the back legs on a grasshopper are much stronger so that when they jump in gives them more power which is why their back legs are normally blue that is the blood vein/muscle

How many legs does a beach hopper have?

it has 2 legs

Does a grass hopper have 8 legs?

No. Grasshoppers have 6 legs

Where is the ears on a grass hopper?

By its legs

What do you call the hind legs of an animal?

hind is meaning back or behind. limbs meaning arms or legs. so like " back arms" or "back legs"

Do amphibians have a back legs?

Yes they do back legs. Well really it depends on what animal in the amphibian family is it.

What is the anthem in animal far?

In Animal Farm, the anthem is "Four legs good, two legs bad!"

Does a grass hopper have legs?

Grasshoppers are insects. All insects have six legs.

What part of the cow is the loin?

The loin is located before the tailhead on the back of the animal which covers the top part of the back legs or hind quarters of the animal. In bulls this should be a raised area, which is a symbol of good fertility.

What are physical things of a grass hopper?

Physical characteristics of a grasshopper would be, its shape, rectangular-ish shape, it's spiny back legs. !~

What is a general statement for Animal Farm?

4 legs good, 2 legs bad.