to tell you the truth the Kangaroo can be purple. It's not really purple its more of a blackish blue color. Kangaroos can also be red, yellow, and even blue. It's said that one day there will be a green Kangaroo.
blue and red make purple stupid idiot
If you mix yellow and purple together, you would get orange, but it depends on which purple you use. If you use light purple you would get light orange and if you use dark purple you would get a regular orange.
There is no real, existing animal with purple fur.
Purple.Purple or Violet.Purplepretty colors. aka purple
use funky hat purple swimsuit bottom purple pajama bottom
red and blue makes perplre
There is not an animal that buries purple-colored eggs in the ground.Ducks are one of the only animals that can lay purple-colored eggs.They do not bury them though.
It depends on how much you use of which. But it usually makes brown.
No, blue and purple do not make red. Blue and red make purple, while red and white make pink.
Blue and red together make purple. For a different shade of purple you can change the shades of blue and red or use more of one color than the other.