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None can. However if frozen with the right ingredients of body state it will not die.

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Q: What animal can go without food or water for the longest period of time?
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Is there an animal that can live without water?

I don't think that there is an animal that can live without water...A camel can live the longest without water but cannot completely live without water.... i will search this up but probaly germs

What animal can survive the longest without water other than bacteria?

The kangaroo rat can go its whole life without ever drinking water. It has adapted to living in extremely arid environments by obtaining all the moisture it needs from the seeds it consumes.

What animal can go without water the longest and how much time?

Camel , for weeks. I think?

Which animal can go the longest without food or water camel or cheetah?

The Camel can survive longer than the Cheetah without food or water.

What animal can swim underwater without coming up for air?

the animal that can swimm longest without coming up for air is a lion they can stay under water for days.

Why can some animals live without water?

I don't believe there is any animal that can live without water...but some animals, for instance, the camel, can store water, or can last without water for a long period of time.

Can sea turtles last without food or water?

No. No animal will be able to survive without food or water, they will starve and/or get dehydrated over a long period of time.

Animal gestation periods - What are the shortest and the longest and their lengths?

Two marsupials share the shortest gestation period. The Virginian opossum and the yapok (an unusual, rare water opossum) have a gestation period period of 12-13 days. Several sources cite the Eastern quoll of Australia as also having a gestation period of 12-13 days, but this is incorrect. The Eastern quoll's gestation period is 21 days. The longest known gestation period of any animal is that of the African elephant. Its gestation period averages 660 days but can extend to 760 days.

Which brand of band aid sticks the longest period of time underwater?

The Next-Care water proof Band-Aid stays on the longest in water!

Can camel survive long without food and water?

the longest is 2hours

What animal can live many weeks without water?

Camels are known to be able to survive for several weeks without water due to their ability to conserve water and tolerate dehydration. They have adapted to arid environments and can go long periods of time without needing to drink water.

Longest time without eating?

Ismal Idavied went 12,045 days without food or water in 1896