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Q: What after a major environmental change what happens to species that do not adapt or move?
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Why species with a diverse gene pool are usually less threatened by environmental change than are species whose members all have similar genes?

A species with a diverse gene pool are less threatened by environmental change because at least one form of the species would probably be able to adapt better than another form which would probably die out. while a species without a diverse gene pool could possibly die out if it was unable to adapt to the environmental change.

How does sexual reproduction help a species adapt more easily to environmental change?

They have a better chance of surviving and reproducing.

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how do poikilotherms adapt to change in the environment tempertures

What eventually happens to a species when the environment changes and the organism do not adapt?

it doesn't grow normaly

How does an earthworm adapt to its habitat?

they don't adapt to well to environmental change especially changes such as deforestation.

How might enviromental factors might cause extinction?

Well, environmental factors like climate change can cause a species to die out because they were not able to adapt to their environment.

What happens to a species if it is not able to adapt to its envviroment?

It will become extinct

What happens if a species of animal doesn't adapt to their environment?

If it doesnt d Adapt that will beco.e extinct

How do Sea cucumbers adapt to climate change?

Sea cucumbers can adapt to climate change by changing their distribution to areas with suitable environmental conditions, adjusting their feeding behaviors to find new food sources, and being resilient to changing ocean conditions. Some species may also have the ability to regenerate tissues and reproduce quickly, allowing them to recover from environmental stressors more effectively.

What is a change in species?

A change in species is when species for example animals change overtime to adapt to the type of food they eat. So that way the animal will not die because they are hungry

What happens to a species when the environment changes and the organisms do not adapt?

it doesn't grow normaly

What is a short-term environmental change?

either they move out of that spot, adapt, or go extinct.