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Q: What a ruru eat?
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What is the religion of ruru Madrid?

hat is the religion of ruru Madrid?

When was Rangi Ruru created?

Rangi Ruru was created in 1889.

When was Lena Matewai Ruru born?

Lena Matewai Ruru was born in 1902.

What is Rangi Ruru's motto?

The motto of Rangi Ruru is 'Seek the heavenly things'.

When did Lena Matewai Ruru die?

Lena Matewai Ruru died in 1977.

What is the motto of Rangi Ruru?

Rangi Ruru's motto is 'Whaia to te rangi'.

When was Rangi Ruru Wananga Karaitiana born?

Rangi Ruru Wananga Karaitiana was born in 1909.

What is Ruru in Maori mean?

In Māori, "ruru" refers to the native owl or morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae). It is known for its distinctive call, which often sounds like "ruru." The ruru is considered a nocturnal bird and is highly regarded in Māori mythology and folklore.

What was the birthday of ruru Madrid?

Ruru Madrid is an actor from the Philippines who has been made famous from his role in "Protege: The Battle for the Big Artista Break". Ruru's birthday is December 4, 1997.

What does Ruru mean?

it means faith in shona

Which is the common name for the new zealand owl?

Morepork or Ruru.

How long does a morepork live for?

a ruru can live for 100 years