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There are several reasons why a cat may lose weight, including illness, dental problems, parasites, stress, or a change in diet. It is important to consult a veterinarian if a cat is losing weight unexpectedly.

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Q: What would cause a cat to lose weight?
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Why would cause a cat to lose weight over a few months?

Getting old, stressed out, disease.

What would cause a Cat to lose rear leg control?

toxo plasmosis

How do you give a cat a diet?

If you want to place your cat on a diet to lose weight, you should first talk with your veterinarian. If your cat loses too much weight to quickly, it can cause some pretty serious medical conditions.

Why has my 12 year old indoor female cat began vomiting on a daily basis and losing weight?

I can think of two causes, one not-so-pleasant and one bad. The not-so-pleasant cause would be dental disease such as gingivitis or an abscessed tooth. Both of these would cause vomiting, and since it would hurt to eat, the cat would also lose weight. The bad cause would be cancer, which in a 12 year old cat is not uncommon. There are other potential causes, but these two would be where I would start. Regardless of the cause, you need to take your cat to a veterinarian for examination and treatment immediately - this isn't a fun life for your cat to be living and you need to get her feeling better.

Can a cat cause a bridge to collapse?

It can not unless the bridge already has a lot of weight on it and the cat would put the bridge over the maximum amount of weight that the bridge can withstand.

Can worms stop a cat from eating?

usually worms make a cat eat like crazy but still lose weight.

What unit would you use to measuer the weight of a cat?

You would typically use pounds (lbs) to measure the weight of a cat.

How can I help my 19 lb cat lose weight in a healthy way?

To help your 19 lb cat lose weight in a healthy way, you can start by feeding them a balanced diet with controlled portions, providing regular exercise opportunities, and consulting with a veterinarian for a tailored weight loss plan.

What would you use to found how much a cat would weight?

First, weigh yourself. Then, write that down. Then hold the cat in your hands and weigh yourself again. Subtract the cat and your weight together from your weight.

Why a cat should start to lose weight but still be eating well?

Take your cat to a vet. It could be worms, or something more serious.

A combined weight of person and his cat is128 pounds while his own weight is119 pounds what is the fractional percentage uncertainty in his weight and in the weight of his cat?

the cat would be at the weight of 9 lbs but i think it should be more.

How can you help your cat lose weight?

Take your cat to a vet , they will set up a feeding plan , exc . Make sure your not over feeding your cat . There's usually serving sizes according to weight on the back of food bags/cans.