about a week or less
ten million
I would guess you would feed the puppy milk with an eyedropper. You might call the Human Society or a vet and ask them.
give him milk for a few months then when he starts getting teeth give him soft food like u would a cat
feed it puppies
Very carefully. i think that you should feed the puppy milk but to make sure what you should really feed a motherless puppy take it to a vet doctor or call one and they can tell you the right thing to feed your puppy! so take care with what you feed the puppy before you take the puppy to a vet
You can try stimulating the puppy's instinct to nurse by gently stroking its mouth and face with your finger. If the puppy still won't feed, you can try using a syringe to express some milk and gently feed it to the puppy. It's important to seek advice from a veterinarian if the puppy continues to have difficulty feeding.
If you can try to feed it mostly milk. It needs to get healthy.
Not a clue
You should wait for 6 weeks before you take the puppy from its mother. The puppy should be eating solid food and drinking water. Make sure that the puppy is weaned before separation.
In a newborn ferret is wanting to eat you should blend his food so it will calm down and get the mother [ if you still have it] to breast feed it alot :]