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If your rabbit has died, you can consider burying it in a pet cemetery, cremating it, or contacting a local animal control or veterinary service for guidance on proper disposal.

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Q: What should I do with the body of my rabbit that has died?
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Yes. It happened to mine when it died. :( Anyway, this usually happens hours after the rabbit has died because this is when the body of it starts to decompose internally. Since there in no blood flow and no organs are working, a gas forms inside of the body. This is why it's best to bury the rabbit quickly before it decomposes. I don't really think you want to see your little friend as a skeleton...

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My rabbit died yesturday should I replace him?

sorry about the rabbit :(...............If you want to replce him its fine if you don't you could try a new loyal pet companion like a guina pig or turtle.

What do you do with a rabbit that died?

Well, you can bury him, you can burn him (though I would much prefer burying), or if your vet euthanized him your vet will ask whether he should dispose of your rabbit (which is NOT a nice way to put it).

Will one rabbit eat another rabbit?

usually not... but a mother rabbit would eat her baby if it died

Should you get another rabbit if your rabbits companion just died?

No, because it will not like the other rabbit because if a rabbits comanion dies it will dislike the new one, or it will like the new one if your lucky.

When did Rabbit Nill die?

Rabbit Nill died on 1962-05-24.