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If you notice a nitrate spike after a water change in your aquarium, you should test the water regularly, perform more frequent water changes, and consider adjusting your feeding and maintenance routine to help lower nitrate levels.

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Q: What should I do if I notice a nitrate spike after a water change in my aquarium?
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Correctly it should be written as 'Ba(NO3)2 ' and it is barium nitrate. Notice the use of brackets and the '2' , to indicate that there are two nitrate anions combined to the one barium cation. NB As you gave it, it does not make sense as a chemical formula.

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It depends on where you got it. If you got it from Walmart, don't get it from there again. If you got it from an actual pet store, go look at the other fish that were in the same tank if possible, if not, look at your own fish, did you notice any odd colored spots? if you did, resurch them, if you didn't, test your ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and all of the other things you can, and make them right, if you don't know how, ask that question here, or at you local pet store.

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