The difference between pet type and breed is that pet type refers to the general category of animal, such as dog or cat, while breed refers to a specific group within that category with distinct characteristics, such as a Labrador Retriever or Siamese cat.
ALL of them
the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet is that a micro pet is a really small animal such as a micro pig and a normal animal is a animal just like a normal person normal size normal wight and that is the difference between a normal animal and a micro animal.
Type your answer here... Well, der... Ifur pet cat is an adult, u just click on it and on its bottom toolbar, it says breed. Click it, but in order to breed, u need a boy pet for it to breed with. I'm still not sure how the babies turn out though...
Having medical insurance for your pet can give one peace of mind in case of unexpected medical expenses. It can also be the difference between treating your pet, or getting your pet euthanized. On the con side, pet insurance costs approximately $300 per year, and it may not be used depending on the breed, age and health history of your pet.
probably.......well, you can't breed a girl and a girl or a boy and a boy. You should be a more experienced pet owner to do it though.
I dont think you can breed them....
I dont think you can breed them....
A pet is a animal that humans have. A wild animal is a animal that lives outdoors. A bear is a wild animal. A cat is a pet.
No, on Pet Vet 2 you cannot breed horses. You can own a horse but only one.
many researchers know about the pET vectors but you have to be more specific about pgptv- who makes it, for instance
Yes, there is a difference between PET and APET plastic. APET is a specific type of PET plastic that has been crystallized to improve its heat resistance and ability to be thermoformed. While both are commonly used for packaging applications, APET is preferred for products that require increased clarity and heat resistance.