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A cyst on a dog feels like a small, firm lump under the skin. It can be identified by its round shape, smooth surface, and ability to move slightly when touched. If you notice any unusual lumps on your dog, it's important to have them checked by a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: What does a cyst feel like on a dog and how can it be identified?
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What does a dog cyst look like?

Cysts should be evaluated by a vet. What you might consider to be a cyst may, in fact, be a malignancy or even a parasite. If it is a cyst, the vet can drain it and pack the wound and relieve you and the dog of a lot of pain and worry.

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Sounds like a cyst, get him to a vet...

Does my dog have a cyst on its back?

It is best to consult a veterinarian to determine if your dog has a cyst on its back. They can examine the area and provide a proper diagnosis and treatment if needed.

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I feel like I'm with my best friend.

What are the common symptoms and treatment options for a cyst on a dog's paw?

Common symptoms of a cyst on a dog's paw include swelling, redness, and discomfort. Treatment options may include draining the cyst, antibiotics, or surgical removal by a veterinarian.

What are the common symptoms and treatment options for a cyst on my dog's paw?

Common symptoms of a cyst on a dog's paw include swelling, redness, and discomfort. Treatment options may include draining the cyst, antibiotics, or surgical removal by a veterinarian.

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What does a dog blister look like and how can it be identified?

A dog blister appears as a small, raised bump on the skin that may be filled with clear fluid. It can be identified by its round shape, redness, and tenderness to the touch.

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because they wanna feel powerful, and when theyre with their dog they feel like a giant pussy

What are the common symptoms and treatment options for a dog foot cyst?

Common symptoms of a dog foot cyst include swelling, redness, limping, and discharge. Treatment options may include draining the cyst, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and in severe cases, surgery to remove the cyst. It is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Have a dog with a worm cyst in her hind leg been there for years and keeps growing was told by naturopath that she had a cyst - she is otherwise very healthy but the hind leg is large and palpable?

It's important to have a veterinarian examine the cyst to determine if it's actually a worm cyst or another type of growth. Delaying treatment could potentially lead to complications like infection or discomfort for your dog. It's recommended to seek medical advice from a qualified veterinarian to address the issue.

Is it wrong for your dog to feel like your sister?

no not at all