Queen bee
it would be a risk because you could get stung by a bee
You put your bee battle module on your public page. The owner of the module risks one worker bee to get the drone bee blueprint. I need someone to challenge me! My Lego network name is RadLegos
It probably wasn't a bee because they are strictly vegetarian. It was probably a wasp.
the pollen they collect from the plants
It's unlikely. If you have a severe reaction to bee stings, you should always carry an epi pen with you.
When my dogs are depressed and not eating, I give them a little bit of bee honey it gives them their appetite back.
If the bee stung your tongue or somewhere else in your throat, you might have trouble breathing which could lead to your death but apart from that the bee would be nutritious.
Nothing is known about bee pollen causing hyperactivity in humans. There are, however, many benefits to eating or using bee pollen.
Cats who eat bees may experience symptoms such as swelling, pain, and allergic reactions. In severe cases, they could suffer from anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction. It is important to seek veterinary care if a cat has ingested a bee.
Once a queen bee emerges, it kills the other potential queen bees before can completely mature and themselves emerge.