what do you mean of that? is it that you found a new baby turtle or you got one?
Some turtle species are protected, but a common turtle bought at a pet store is not illegal.
you publish it and wait for other people to get it.
Essentially, yes, though perhaps the term "juvenile" is better applied than "baby". Most turtle species do not reach maturity until the age of 6 or 7, or even later for larger species.
probaley all the turtles are different
. Depends if they are the same species. Also use commons sense do you really want a baby turtle around a large one?
your turtle is dead get a new one.
if your friend found any lost turtle, you will have a chance adopt the turtle for free. sources : http://www.yayeasy.com/happy_aquarium/happy-aquarium-baby-sea-turtle-adopt/
It is not recommended to release a baby turtle in a pond with larger turtles, as they may be at risk of being harmed or outcompeted for resources. It is best to release them in a safe and suitable environment for their size and species.
It depends what species the turtle is. When I had a baby snapping turtle I only kept it for a couple months and I fed her turtle food from walmart I dont really know if adult or teen adolescent turltes can eat it or not.
No, species can not impregnate different species.
if your friend found any lost turtle, you will have a chance adopt it for free. source : http://www.yayeasy.com/happy_aquarium/happy-aquarium-baby-sea-turtle-adopt/