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Some of the different baby turtle species found in the wild include the loggerhead turtle, green sea turtle, hawksbill turtle, leatherback turtle, and Kemp's ridley turtle.

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Q: What are the different baby turtle species found in the wild?
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what do you mean of that? is it that you found a new baby turtle or you got one?

Is it illegal to own a baby turtle in the state of Idaho?

Some turtle species are protected, but a common turtle bought at a pet store is not illegal.

I found a baby turtle what do i do?

you publish it and wait for other people to get it.

Is a 2 year old turtle still considered as a baby?

Essentially, yes, though perhaps the term "juvenile" is better applied than "baby". Most turtle species do not reach maturity until the age of 6 or 7, or even later for larger species.

How many spots does a baby turtle have?

probaley all the turtles are different

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. Depends if they are the same species. Also use commons sense do you really want a baby turtle around a large one?

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your turtle is dead get a new one.

How do you get a green turtle on happy aquarium?

if your friend found any lost turtle, you will have a chance adopt the turtle for free. sources :

Can i release my baby turtle in a pond with larger turtles?

It is not recommended to release a baby turtle in a pond with larger turtles, as they may be at risk of being harmed or outcompeted for resources. It is best to release them in a safe and suitable environment for their size and species.

Do wild turtles eat turtle food at walmart?

It depends what species the turtle is. When I had a baby snapping turtle I only kept it for a couple months and I fed her turtle food from walmart I dont really know if adult or teen adolescent turltes can eat it or not.

Can a sheep have a human baby-?

No, species can not impregnate different species.

How do you get a turtle in happy aquarium?

if your friend found any lost turtle, you will have a chance adopt it for free. source :