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Common signs of a bearded dragon stomach issue include loss of appetite, bloating, lethargy, and abnormal bowel movements. Treatment may involve adjusting their diet, providing proper hydration, and consulting a veterinarian for further evaluation and potential medication.

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Q: What are the common signs of a bearded dragon stomach issue and how can it be treated?
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What is the Scientific name for the Bearded Dragons?

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What are some common bearded dragon skin conditions and how can they be treated?

Common bearded dragon skin conditions include shedding issues, dry skin, and parasites. Shedding issues can be treated by providing a humid hide and gently helping to remove stuck shed. Dry skin can be treated by ensuring proper hydration and using a reptile-safe moisturizer. Parasites can be treated with medication prescribed by a veterinarian specializing in reptiles. Regular baths and a clean environment can also help prevent skin conditions in bearded dragons.

How can you tell if a bearded dragon has MBD's?

you can tell if your bearded dragon is limping or his tail is croocked at a weird angle. if you do find those symptoms take you bearded dragon to the nearest vet with a expert on reptiles for this deasease can be fatal if not treated and cared for.

Is bearded dragon endangered?

The Bearded Dragon is actually just a common name given to a grouping (or genus) of lizards. There are about seven species--none of them are endangered.

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What are the common causes of discoloration on a bearded dragon and how can it be treated?

Common causes of discoloration on a bearded dragon include stress, improper lighting or temperature, skin infections, and shedding. Treatment may involve addressing the underlying cause, such as adjusting the habitat conditions, providing proper nutrition, and consulting a veterinarian for any necessary medication or treatment. Regular monitoring and proper care can help prevent and manage discoloration in bearded dragons.

How does a bearded dragon finds its food?

With its eyes, and nose and its common sense.

Why does your baby bearded dragon chirp and make noise?

because if it does it should br treated or it may die

What is smarter a tree frog or a bearded dragon?

a bearded dragon

What are the common causes of a bearded dragon having a white head?

Common causes of a bearded dragon having a white head can include shedding skin, fungal infections, or a condition called dysecdysis, which is difficulty shedding old skin. It is important to monitor the health of the bearded dragon and consult a veterinarian if any concerns arise.

Can a bearded dragon have a stroke?

Yes, but it isn't common. There are many more ailments that might mimic the symptoms. If your bearded dragon is not behaving normally, take it to an experienced reptile veterinarian.

Do bearded dragons get stomach aches?

Yes bearded dragons can get stomach aches due to: Eating meal worms, meal worms have hard exoskeletons with very little meat and can make your bearded dragon constipated, Over feeding, or interacting with your bearded dragon less than 2 hrs after he/she has eaten, you have to allow your pet to bask for at least 2 hrs which allows them to properly digest their meal (also not to get pooped on ;)