The accumulation of stress at unhealthy levels can result in a wide variety of symptoms. Fatigue, abdominal pain, headaches, chest pain, and mood swings, for example, are common results of high stress levels.
Yes, a rabbit can be scared to death. Like all animals, rabbits can experience extreme fear and stress, which can lead to a fatal condition known as "capture myopathy." This condition can be triggered by intense fear or stress, causing the rabbit's body to go into shock and potentially result in death.
Sweating and irritability are two symptoms of story-term stress reactions.
Sweating and irritability are two symptoms of story-term stress reactions.
Some common symptoms of a stress rash are itch, redness, and, hives. Unfortunately skin rashes often appear the same as stress rashes. Stress can worsen the rash. Stress rashes can also be caused by a reaction to something that is put on the skin that doesn't normally cause a reaction.
A substance abuse disorder.
anxiety or panic attacks physical symptoms , such as stomach problems,headaches, or even chest painirritability and moodiness
Tension stress pulls rocks apart, causing them to stretch and potentially break along fractures or faults. This type of stress is common in divergent plate boundaries and areas experiencing extensional tectonic forces.
f you think that stress is starting to get to you, don't suffer alone and in silence - there are people you can turn to for information on stress management techniques, and getting relief from stress may be as simple as asking your teacher for an extra week to complete a difficult task or requesting a break from chores at home. The symptoms of stress vary from person to person, but bad sleep, headaches, frequent minor illnesses and emotional outbursts are amongst the most common stress symptoms to look out for. For more information see Exam Stress link.
The symptoms of a stress fracture include swelling, pain, and tenderness. If the pain decreases with rest, but increases with use it is possible there is a stress fracture.
I do not know ,but i do know that they make a humming noise when they 're happy.