It is possible, but is not recommended as feeding pets human food is un-healthy for them.
Small aquatic turtle food bought at the aquatic animal store. They will also eat small feeder fish, pin crickets, and mealworms.
It is not recommended to feed a baby yellow eared turtle hermit crab food as it may not meet the nutritional needs of the turtle. It is best to provide a balanced diet that consists of small insects, worms, and commercial turtle pellets.
It is not recommended for fish to eat baby turtle food as their nutritional needs are different. Fish require specific nutrients found in fish food for proper growth and health. Feeding fish turtle food can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems.
Digestion starts when the turtle chews food in small pieces and mixes it with saliva, which has digestive enzymes in it.
turtle food, live small river shrimp, mino finsh from small ponds
A turtle's poo is circular in shape, like a small cylinder, and can sometimes be quite long and stringy like a worm, depending on the consistency of the food that the turtle has consumed.
something good small shrimp, coral, and other small animals
you shld first check near any wet areas around your yard. if you dont find her there then you should set up a small pond with her favourite food as a lure, put the food to float in the small pond trap and hopefully the turtle will try to catch the food and fdall in hten you have your turtle
YourMother Turtle
You can feed turtles really anything from the fruit family like tomatoes ,small tomatoes and apples just cut up the apple ,carrots small cut up carrots and you can also buy turtle food like fresh shrimp and pecaned turtle food :) I hope this helped and that your turtle a joys the snacks :)
Sector 9 market...however the guy will not give it to you until you are recommended by one of his existing loyal clients