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During a solar eclipse, it is important to keep pets indoors to prevent them from looking directly at the sun, which can cause eye damage. Additionally, ensure that they have access to a safe and comfortable environment to reduce stress and anxiety during the event.

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Q: What are some precautions to take when caring for pets during a solar eclipse?
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The sun is hidden during a solar eclipse

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During a solar eclipse, the Moon is directly in between the Sun and the Earth; a solar eclipse is the Moon's shadow falling on the Earth.

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The white halo that can be seen during the Solar Eclipse is the Sun's Corona.

What is the phase of the moon during an eclipse?

During a lunar eclipse, the moon is "full". During a solar eclipse the moon is "new".

What are the precautionary measures in case of lunar and solar eclipse?

Don't panic. That's really all the "precautions" you need to take in the case of either a lunar or solar eclipse. Well, for a solar eclipse there's also "don't look directly at the sun you idiot".

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We see solar eclipses only during New Moon, but not every New Moon is accompanied by a solar eclipse.

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Sometimes, during a total solar eclipse, the corona of sun is visible to our eyes.

Where is the moon in it's orbit at the time of a solar eclipse?

During a solar eclipse the moon is in between the earth and the sun. The moon blocks light from the son, causing a solar eclipse. (This is during the new moon phase.)

What two parts of the sun can you see from earth during a solar eclipse?

Simple. You can't see any of the sun during a solar eclipse.

What features are seen on the moon during a solar eclipse?

Nothing at all; during a solar eclipse, the Moon blocks the Sun and is seen in silhouette.

What is effect on eye during solar eclipse?

The simple and straight forward answer to this is..."Blindness". This is not because of solar eclipse, but because of watching the solar eclipse directly without protections.