Red-eared slider turtles are known for their distinctive red markings on their ears, which give them their name. They are popular as pets due to their vibrant colors and relatively easy care. These turtles are excellent swimmers and can live up to 20-30 years in captivity. They are omnivores, eating both plants and small animals. Red-eared sliders are also known for their basking behavior, where they sunbathe on rocks or logs to regulate their body temperature.
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A PMI chart is a table and it stands for Plus Minus Interesting. PLUS for Good facts. MINUS for Bad facts. INTERESTING for well, interesting facts.
turtles produce and reproduce. they also lay eggs
ea turtles are turltes that are warm blooded by;tiyae cunningham
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green turtles are turtles that are green and swim in the ocean and lay eggs and leave them to survive by themselves
its a hassle!
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If the interesting facts are unknown, I would not know them.
There is NO interesting " FACTS " about the " Head light! "