Tortoises make various noises like hissing, grunting, and huffing to communicate. They use these sounds to show aggression, attract mates, or express discomfort. Hissing is often a sign of fear or warning, while grunting can indicate excitement or mating behavior. Huffing is a common sound when tortoises are stressed or feeling threatened. Overall, tortoises use these noises to convey their emotions and intentions to other tortoises in their environment.
they made noises
they communicate by making a lot of different noises and sounds
the make noises with their antenas:) hope that works have a good day. Cya.
The males make rumbles and grunt noises to communicate with their fellow hippos.
All animals communicate. Llamas are no different - they communicate by a combination of noises, body language, and scents.
to communicate with other dolphins
they communicate by poopin and pee'in on trees to say,"this is my territory" to other pandas, like dogs doPandas make noises to communicate with other pandas
the way they move and i noises they make, dur
yes they can. they is how they communicate
They make loud howling noises to communicate.
They make croaking noises michle jackson peace to the world
they do not make sounds or noises but they send out chemicals and they only communicate when they are mating