Bladder infections can cause pain and burning upon urination, pelvic pain, an increase or decrease in urinary output, and sometimes blood in the urine. Treating bladder infections typically includes the administration of oral antibiotics and drinking plenty of water. Cranberry juice may also help alleviate symptoms of bladder infections as may taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. Systemic symptoms of bladder infections include fever, chills, nausea and muscle pain. Although antibiotics are effective in treating symptoms of bladder infection, they can cause side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. The entire course of antibiotics must be completed to make sure that the bladder infection has resolved.
Uncomplicated cystitis is treated with antibiotics.
You have a bladder infection and needs antibiotics.
You could have a bladder infection or UTI (same thing.) UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. If you suspect that it's a bladder infection, drink plenty of water or cranberry juice is recommended, and wear cotton underwear (females). You can go to the doctor where they will test your urine for bacteria and give you antibiotics if it is confirmed that you have a bladder infection.
The answer to this is no. I had a bladder infection while I was on holiday last year, even though I was on my period, the infection still remains and will not go away unless you take antibiotics which will be prescribed by your GP.
It is unlikely that they would perform surgery if they knew you had an infection. Either way your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics.
White discharge after a bladder infection has been treated with antibiotics can be a sign of a yeast infection. You can buy over-the-counter remedies for yeast infection, plus eat yogurt with active cultures in it, or drink acidophilus milk.
Studies indicate that garlic may be used to stop the spread of bladder cancer.
A bladder infection should be treated by your doctor with Antibiotics. In the mean time though, there are a few things you can do to help. One thing is to drink plenty of water. This helps to flush out some of the bacteria in your body. Additionally, drink real cranberry juice (not cocktail, and needs to be 100% juice). A substance in cranberry juice helps bacteria to not stick to your bladder's walls, and be excreted.
none at all. Cranberry is just recommended if you have a bladder infection.
It is an infection of any part of the urinary system, including kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.