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Cetaceans are basically whales. So they live in the ocean.

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12y ago

In oceans,rivers,lakesand ponds.

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11y ago

In the sea, that is what 'marine' means.

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were do all marine turtles live?

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Q: Were do sea animals live
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Sea animals?

Sea animals live anywhere in the SEA.

Animals live in sea?

yes they do live in the sea

How else are sea animals and land animals different?

wekk sea animals live in the water and land animals live on land :)

What eats dead sea animals?

Live sea animals, people, birds.

Are walruses sea animals?

yes they are sea animals and they live on land to they are amphibian

Where do most of the animals live in antarctica?

No animals live on the Antarctic continent. Several types of sea birds and sea mammals come to Antarctica's beaches, however, to breed. Otherwise, these animals live at sea.

What animals live in the atmosphere?

All animals that live above the sea live in the atmosphere.

What animals in sea?

Many animals live in the sea. -Whales, dolphins, seals, walruses and manatees live in the sea permanently. Other animals spend much time in the sea, but don't actually live there, -polar bears and sea otters being two of them

How do Antarctica animals live?

There are no animals that live in Antarctica. Sea mammals and sea birds visit Antarctic'a beaches to breed.

Which animals live in a sea?


What are animals live in the sea?

this animals are the fish , whale , shark , pirana and all animals that live water

Do other animals live with animals if so what kinds of animals?

clown fish live with and in sea aninimeas