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Q: The entire group of people are animals in which a researcher is interested?
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What is target population as used in research?

The people who will be interviewed for the study.

What do you call a person interested in sexual contact with humans dressed as furry animals.?

Prezophiles are people interested in sexual relations with anthropomorphophiles who are people who like to dress as furry animals.

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Athena was interested in war techniques and wisdom in battle. Her best friend was an owl, and she took a liking to wise people and animals.

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What is the purpose of snowball sampling?

Snowball sampling can be used in a number of circumstances. Sometimes the researcher may be able to identify only a small number of individuals in the target group but these people are likely to known others in the target group, and people that they know will also know more such people-and so on. By including those few initial people in her sample, and asking them to recruit others, the researcher may be able to achieve a useable sample size. Then, sometimes, a researcher is actually more interested in the connections between people, or in other words, social networks. In this case, snowball sampling can be used to identify those connections. Please see the link.

How do zoos influence people to care for wildlife?

By letting the public actually see animals and know how wonderful they are. It can convince people to care more for animals and even possibly get them to be interested in helping out or participating in efforts for the conservation of wildlife.

What is the total group of people that a researcher wants to study is called the?

the populas

What jobs are suited for people that are interested in children animals psychology and nature?

A baby animal therapist working in the trees of guatamala. Good luck

Why is keeping animals in a zoo cruel?

Some people believe that keeping animals in zoos in cruel because they are trapped in cages for the enjoyment of humans. This is not always the case as many zoos have created entire ecosystems in which animals can thrive.

What are people interested in baseball history?

most people are interested in baseball

What are people interested in?

these days people are interested in electronics mostly but really people are interested in so many things each have their taste of things =]

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The number of people who are simply "interested" in comics is incalculable.