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Q: The driest living thing on earth is known as a?
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The smallest known living thing on Earth is a bacteria in the genus called?


Which is the simpliest living thing?

The simplest living thing is known as cynobacteria. This organism is also thought to be the first organism that thrived on earth billions of years ago.

What is the driest place or thing?

The Atacama Desert in Chile is considered the driest place on Earth, with some areas going years without rainfall. The driest non-living thing might be desiccants like silica gel or calcium chloride, which are used to absorb moisture in various products to keep them dry.

What are the economic importance of cockroach?

The statement has no significance. It is not, nor will it be, known what the last living thing on earth might be.

How do you start a speech on Antarctica for a kid?

Start off with what Antarctica is like or looks like eg. Antarctica is the coldest,driest place on earth or Antarctica is known for many thing, Antarctica is amazing ect.

What is the study of every living thing on earth?

Biology is the study of every living thing on earth.

What happen to every living thing on earth?

It Dies (ceases to be a living thing).

What is the role of a living thing in its habitat?

The role of a living thing in its habitat is known as the niche. This is mainly to facilitate interaction with other living things which forms the ecosystem.

What living things is the earth compared to in the earth is a living thing?

In "The Earth is a Living Thing," the Earth is compared to various living things such as a rose, a cell, a tree, and a spider. These comparisons are used to illustrate the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living beings with the Earth.

What living thing does not age?

There is no living thing that does not age, otherwise it would stay on earth forever.

What is in every living thing on earth?


The part of the planet that is inhabited by living thing is known as the?

biosphere. It consists of all the regions of the Earth's surface and atmosphere where living organisms exist.