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This perios is known the post-colonist period of galatic civilization. Many species around the outer rim planets of the termanis system, became extinct due to high methane gas levels results in various helth problems.

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14y ago
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10y ago

The disappearance of many species during a relatively short time is known as extinction.

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13y ago

mass extinction

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Q: The disappearance of many species during a relatively short time know as?
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Is when many animal and plant species disappear in a relatively short time?

approximately more 20 years it will take

What fossils are the remains of species that existed abundantly on earth for relatively short periods of time widespread areas?

Index Fossil

Which specie have been on the earth for the shortest amount of time?

Some species that have been on Earth for a relatively short amount of time include domesticated species like dogs and cats, which have undergone significant evolutionary changes through selective breeding in a relatively short period compared to many wild species. Additionally, human-created species like lab-engineered organisms or genetically modified crops are examples of species that have been on Earth for a very short duration in their current form.

Are index fossils the remains of species that existed on earth for relatively short periods of time?

Yes, index fossils are the remains of species that lived for short periods of time geologically. They are useful for dating and correlating the age of rock layers.

What theory that species evolve during short periods of rapid change?

punctuated equilibrium

The theory that evolution occurs during short periods of rapid change is puntuated?

The theory that evolution occurs during short periods of rapid change is punctuated equilibrium. This theory suggests that most species remain relatively unchanged for long periods, with bursts of significant change happening over short periods of time. This contrasts with the gradualism theory, which proposes that evolution occurs at a slow and constant rate.

Which model of evolution shows change over the relatively short period of time?

The punctuated equilibrium model of evolution suggests that species remain relatively stable for long periods of time (stasis), with abrupt changes (punctuation) leading to the emergence of new species over short periods of time. This model contrasts with the gradual change proposed by the more traditional gradualism model.

What theory proposes that species evolve during short periods of rapid change?

punctuated equilibrium

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Some species of deer will give a short bark, while other species will bellow - especially the stags during the rut.

Which are the remains of species that existed on earth for relatively short periods and were abundant and widespread geographically?

Fossils of index fossils, which are species that lived for short periods and were widespread geographically, are commonly used in stratigraphy to date and correlate rock layers. These species are useful markers because they can be found in multiple locations and help determine the age of the rock layers they are found in.

Is llama legs long or short?

Relatively speaking, they are considered to be short.

What is a mass extinction?

A mass extinction is an event in which a substantial proportion of Earth's species become extinct in a relatively short period of time, which disrupts the balance of ecosystems. There have been several mass extinctions throughout Earth's history, with the most well-known being the one that wiped out the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. These events are often caused by major environmental changes or catastrophic events.