

Best Answer

It is a Shovel-headed garden worm, Bipalium Kewense. It has a long soft body with black stripes running down its back. It is carnivorous and feeds off earth worms. For a better description go to

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Q: Snail or slug with a flat head and left a slimy trail streak down back?
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What is a snail's home?

A snail's 'home' is the shell which it carries around on its back.

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Whats the rhyme I will tell you a tale about a snail?

I'll tell you a tale about a snail That jumped on the fire And burned his tail The fire was too hot So he jumped on the pot The pot was too round So he jumped on the ground The ground was too flat So he jumped on the cat And the cat ran away With the snail on his back

Is okra good for the back?

Yes it is, anything slimy is good

Is there a moth that looks like a slug?

I saw what I thought was a white slug but after picking it up and examining it, it was not slimy. I then realized it was a moth. It was very white with black protuberances that looked like snail antennae. It also has some black on the ridge of the back which was probably the wings folded up.

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The Oregon trail is a trail in which pioneers have traveled in search of freedom. It was very dangerous trail back then.

What is organ trail?

The Oregon trail is a trail in which pioneers have traveled in search of freedom. It was very dangerous trail back then.

What does a mineral and streak tell you and how do you test for it?

The streak of a mineral can distinguish between two samples that have the same color. The streak is often a different color. To test streak, use a streak plate. This is a piece of unglazed porcelain, like the back side of a tile.

What does a mineral's streak tell and how do you test for it?

The streak of a mineral can distinguish between two samples that have the same color. The streak is often a different color. To test streak, use a streak plate. This is a piece of unglazed porcelain, like the back side of a tile.

What do you think protect a snail's back since it has no spine?

the shell that the snail has protects it from anything that can hurt it without the shell

What do you do when your snail is out of its shell?

nothing the shell will grow back

Is it bad for an apple snail to be on its back for long?
