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Q: Partially enclosed coastal regions where freshwater meets and mixes with seawater are called?
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What is partially-enclosed coastal region where sea water mixes with freshwater called?

EsturaryExplanation...A partially-enclosed coastal region where sea water mixes with freshwater is called an estuary. Estuaries are typically found at the mouth of a stream or river. Estuaries are complex ecosystems, rich in marine life.----------------------------------

What is a partially-enclosed coastal region where sea water mixes with freshwater is called?

EsturaryExplanation...A partially-enclosed coastal region where sea water mixes with freshwater is called an estuary. Estuaries are typically found at the mouth of a stream or river. Estuaries are complex ecosystems, rich in marine life.----------------------------------

Is an estuary salt or fresh water?

An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of water where freshwater from rivers and streams mixes with saltwater from the ocean. This mixing results in brackish water, which has a salinity level that is in between freshwater and seawater.

What is an enclosed body of coastal water that is a mixture of salt water and freshwater called?

EsturaryExplanation...A partially-enclosed coastal region where sea water mixes with freshwater is called an estuary. Estuaries are typically found at the mouth of a stream or river. Estuaries are complex ecosystems, rich in marine life.----------------------------------

A place where fresh water from rivers mixes with salty ocean water is a?

estuary. It is a partially enclosed coastal body of water where freshwater from rivers and streams mixes with salty seawater. Estuaries are rich and productive ecosystems that support diverse marine life.

Which coastal region is where seawater and freshwater mix?

The coastal region where seawater and freshwater mix is called an estuary. The mixed water inside the estuary is called brackish.

What is the difference between an Estuary and an Ocean?

An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water where freshwater from rivers meets and mixes with seawater, providing a habitat for diverse species. An ocean refers to a vast expanse of saltwater that covers approximately 71% of the Earth's surface, characterized by high salinity levels and deep ocean basins.

Where do salt water and freshwater meet?

Salt water and freshwater meet at an estuary, which is a partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water where rivers and streams flow into the ocean. This mixing of salt water and freshwater creates a unique and diverse ecosystem that supports a variety of plant and animal species.

Is ground water salt water or fresh water?

Groundwater can be either saltwater or freshwater, depending on the location. In coastal areas, groundwater can be saltwater due to seawater intrusion. Inland areas typically have freshwater groundwater sources.

What is a consequences of drilling for fresh water in coastal areas?

One consequence of drilling for fresh water in coastal areas is the risk of saltwater intrusion. Excessive pumping of freshwater can create a pressure imbalance, allowing salty seawater to infiltrate the aquifer and contaminate the freshwater supply. This can lead to a decrease in available drinking water and harm local ecosystems that rely on the freshwater.

A coastal inlet or bay in which freshwater from rivers mixes with salty ocean water is called an?

estuaryAn estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea

What is the difference between a tributary a estuary and a channel?

A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger body of water. An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of water where freshwater from rivers mixes with saltwater from the ocean. A channel is a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water, such as a channel between two islands.