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anything adult. If you are old age or adolescent and younger then you can't

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Q: On creature breeder how old do you have to be to breed?
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What are the egg colour meanings on creature breeder?

it is the different breed types

How do you breed on creature breeder?

you click on the creature then where it says creature inspector click look closer then go down the list of options until u get to breed then click breed and it will come up with a list of suitable partners choose one then click breed

Creature breeder is closed when will it come back?

creature breederive never noticed that creature breeder wasnt working but now it is working and they have added a new breed a monkey (very cute) and have also added new food andother stuffhope this helped

How do you make a sub breed on creature breeder?

you try to get two pets with something in common. like pattern on shell or something

How do you make a sub-breed on creature breeder?

you try to get two pets with something in common. like pattern on shell or something

How do you find a wild creature in creature breeder?

you find them by the columns

Can your creatures die on Creature Breeder?


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Is creature breeder free?

yes it is

Is creature breeder fun?


Can you heal a sick creature on creature breeder?

Yes, just feed it

How do you get rich on creature breeder?

well u could first get 2 animals and breed them then sell them and like opwn a shop for them bred animals hope this helps