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yes a dog can learn tricks if they have the right teacher. You can also teach your dog to learn multiple tricks if you have the time and patience. Teaching them is very repetitive. Also I would recommend having treats available.

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14y ago
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14y ago

It depends on what type of animal trainer it is. If it's a zoo animal trainer they work with some zoo animals. Say like an marine life animal trainer works with marine life and so on.

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14y ago

Golden Retrievers are easy to train, obedient and enjoy performing tricks. They also like to fetch balls and other toys. If you have patience, remain consistent and remember to praise and reward the Golden Retriever, then you shouldn't have a problem teaching him/her tricks.

Border collies and poodles are also good at learning tricks.

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13y ago

West highland terriors! They are a type of dog and they love to cuddle! My dog will do lots of tricks like sit, stay, heal, shake(hand shake), lay down, come, up, and lots of others! He will even recognize the word treat and run to the area below the shelf where we keep treats! Next he will do the basic treat routine before we even tell him to!(sit, shake) however it is best to get these dogs as puppies because when my dog was a puppy, he would bite our fingers but he could never hurt us so we taught him not to bite and now we can put our hands in his mouth and wiggle our fingers and he'll play with them but never bite down! He even does that with his toys! If he bites down on his toys, he'll start licking it right away! Almost as if he's hurt it!! It's adorable!!!! I love my little westie!!!

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14y ago

Dog, Monkey, Dolphin, Seal, Elephant, Bear, Tiger

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14y ago

Dog, Monkey, Cat, Bird, Dolphin, Horse, and Lion.

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11y ago

jhsy8sh8sheb7sw 7we7eysw e8y6w eoyew

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