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their quaternanry structure

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Q: Most proteins produced by the cell are functional in?
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The kinds of proteins produced you a cell are related to what?

The types of proteins produced by the Cell are those that are allowed by the Expression of the Genes in a cell's Dna.

Where are the most proteins produced in a body?

Proteins are found at my friend Jake Moores house where i can find all the food i can dream of and f*$% his life up

Where is proteins produced by in the cell?

Proteins are produced by ribosomes in the cell. Ribosomes are cellular organelles responsible for translating the genetic information from mRNA into specific sequences of amino acids, which form proteins.

Where within a cell are proteins produced?

Ribosomes... :D

How many kinds of proteins are produced by the cell?

About 5000

What is the most basic functional unit of what is the most basic functional unit of an organism?

The cell is the most basic functional unit of an organism. It is the smallest structural and functional unit that can carry out all the processes necessary for life.

What is made of cell proteins?

Constantly and prodigeously Cell proteins are formed into at least three types of products which are i) structural eg. collagen; ii) functional such as enzymes and iii) regulatory hormones like insulin.

Explain briefly how cells make proteins?

Proteins are produced in the mitochondria with ribosomes that are produced by the nucleoli in the nucleus of a cell.

What are the main products produced in a cell?

The main product produced within a cell is ATP. The cell also makes enzymes, hormones and other proteins based on DNA information.

Does proteins have cells?

Proteins are biomolecules made up of amino acids and are synthesized by cells. Proteins play many vital roles in cells, such as structural support, catalyzing biochemical reactions, and cell signaling. While proteins themselves do not have cells, they are essential components of all living cells.

What is the most common cell?


What is importance of DNA in the nucleus?

DNA holds the instructions for the production of functional products (proteins) and is therefore responsible for the actions of the cell.