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Heterotrophic. Heterotrophs are anything that consumes other things for energy. Autotrophs produce they're own energy, primarily through photosynthesis in most cases, although there are a few documented cases of organisms using the heat and chemicals of thermal vents to create energy.

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13y ago
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15y ago

LOL... last time I checked giraffes did not make their own food. They're heterotrophic.

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14y ago

Not entirely, they will eat meat in small amounts and insects. Fruits and vegetables are their main source of food

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11y ago

heterotroph means an organism requiring organic compounds for its principal source of food

autotroph means organism capable of self- nourishment

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Reese Kister

Lvl 2
3y ago

they,re heterotrophic

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15y ago

giraffes are autotrophic. =]

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Q: Is the gyrfalcon hetertrophic or autotrophic?
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