Shipping fever in cattle is usually not contagious to humans. Shipping fever is like pneumonia that humans get. It is contagious to other animals and should be dealt with immediately by isolating sick animals for other animals.
Yes. You are contagious with low grade fever. Some times you are contagious without fever also. Some times you get asymptomatic infections.
The fever itself is not contagious -- the virus causing a fever is, though, and when you have a fever from a virus, you are contagious with that virus and should stay away from people if you can.
Yes, the glandular fever is very contagious. It is generally transmitted by saliva. It is known as "the kissing disease" or "mono."
A fever by itself is not contagious. Fever is a generic symptom and sign that only says the body is fighting something. It is what is causing the fever that MAY be contagious.Contagious WITH fever as well:Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR vaccine has been controlling these)Strep, and MeningitisFlu, Bronchitis, Upper Respiratory Infection, viral or bacterialThe PlagueEbola virusAs just ONE example of a non-contagious problem that can produce fever:inflammation in the body, from ANY cause, such as cancer, which is never contagious
Shipping fever is also known as pleuropneumonia. Shipping fever is best treated by antibiotic injection such as Nuflor, Baytril or Draxxin.
You are still contagious for 24 hours after the last time you had a fever WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medications.
Scarlet fever is a contagious disease.
No, it is not. See:
You could as it is highly contagious.